Patricia Skelton
I've had a love for creating ever since I can remember. Thankfully, my mother encouraged my creativity and painting skills. Later on, I attended Lander College and found myself surrounded by fellow creative individuals, which made me realize the value of collaboration.
Although I always dreamed of pursuing a career in the arts, I ended up thriving in the retail industry for over thirty years. However, I still managed to channel my creative energy into merchandising and discovered a newfound passion for mentoring others.
Despite my busy career, I couldn't help but miss painting. It was when I came across an inspiring article about Amy Howard and her ability to transform discarded furniture into beautiful pieces that my passion for rescuing furniture began. I spent years as a weekend artist, finding solace in expressing my creativity.
Last year, I made the decision to retire from my position as a regional vice president in order to fully focus on growing my career as a decorative artist and teacher. I've taken several courses from Amy Howard and felt that the timing was perfect to pursue this passion. I'm incredibly honored and excited to have been selected as her 2024 Artist in Residence, where I can share my knowledge with other creative individuals. I hope you'll join me on this new journey and explore my unique furniture and accessories.
My Mission: Open Window Restore was established with the aim of crafting distinctive finishes and one-of-a-kind pieces that perfectly match your style and individuality. Within my collection, you'll discover refurbished vintage furniture, antique treasures, and home accessories that add a touch of history, making your home truly unique. Additionally, sharing and collaboration are integral to my brand. The creative process brings me immense joy, and I'm excited to share my expertise as a decorative artist with you.
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