Cute DIY Stamped Napkins
, by Gene Howard, 2 min reading time
, by Gene Howard, 2 min reading time
Looking for a fun & easy DIY home decor project?
Try creating your very own stamped napkins and tea towels!
In this Amy Howard At Home tutorial, we're going to show you just how simple it can be to create incredible custom napkins from the comfort of your home.
NOTE: The material list for this DIY project can be found at the bottom of the page.
Step 1: Begin by cutting your foam sheet into small strips the same length as your block.
Step 2: After cutting your foam strips, use your hot glue gun to first glue two pieces of foam together and then glue them onto your block, leaving a gap between each strip.
Step 3: Now that you've created your stamp, mix 1 part water to 2 parts paint of each One-Step Paint color that you've chosen.
Step 4: Using our Foam Dome Brush, dip the foam brush into each color and begin to offload on a piece of cardboard using an up-down motion.
Step 5: After offloading some of your One-Step Paint onto the piece of cardboard, use the same up-down motion to apply the paint to your homemade stamp.
Try to apply the darker color (Cherbourg) on one side, the lighter color (Barefoot In The Park) on the other, and then a mix of the two in the middle.
This will give you an ombre effect.
Step 6: After covering your stamp with One Step Paint, place the stamp down starting on the corner of the napkin. Apply firm pressure.
Step 6: Carefully lift the stamp up and then repeat the steps alternating the direction of the stripes. Apply more One Step Paint as needed.
Here are the Amy Howard At Home products used...
1. Barefoot In The Park – One Step Paint
2. Cherbourg – One Step Paint
3. Foam Dome Brush
4. Cloth Napkin
5. Square Block of Styrofoam (or block of wood)
6. Piece of Foam Sheet
7. Scissors
8. Hot Glue Gun
9. Two plastic cups or containers